- automation remote controls AUTOMATION REMOTE CONTROLS
- air condition remote control AIR CONDITION REMOTE CONTROL
- air condition remote controlAIR CONDITION REMOTE CONTROL (3)
- automations and remote controlsAUTOMATIONS AND REMOTE CONTROLS (46)
- time limiterTIME LIMITER (1)
- air condition remote control AIR CONDITION REMOTE CONTROL
- bases BASES
- base for camera BASE FOR CAMERA (2)
- basis cbBASIS CB (1)
- basis tvBASIS TV (10)
- cable/adaptors/connectors CABLE/ADAPTORS/CONNECTORS
- scart SCART (24)
- vga VGA (8)
- 2.5mm2.5mm (2)
- 6.3mm6.3mm (16)
- ac connectorAC CONNECTOR (24)
- bananaBANANA (8)
- bnc BNC (17)
- cable grommetCable grommet (1)
- connector tvCONNECTOR TV (25)
- connector & adapter 3.5mmCONNECTOR & ADAPTER 3.5mm (29)
- connector & adapter speakonCONNECTOR & ADAPTER SPEAKON (3)
- connector & adapter xlrCONNECTOR & ADAPTER XLR (7)
- connector & telephone adapter CONNECTOR & TELEPHONE ADAPTER (42)
- connector n typeCONNECTOR N TYPE (9)
- connectors dcCONNECTORS DC (23)
- crocodile clipsCROCODILE CLIPS (14)
- data connectorsDATA CONNECTORS (23)
- display portDISPLAY PORT (2)
- displayportDISPLAYPORT (1)
- dviDVI (3)
- firewireFIREWIRE (1)
- hdmi adapterHDMI ADAPTER (23)
- industrial circular connectorsINDUSTRIAL CIRCULAR CONNECTORS (6)
- loundspeaker connector LOUNDSPEAKER CONNECTOR (5)
- microphone connectorMICROPHONE CONNECTOR (6)
- optical adapter/connectorOPTICAL ADAPTER/CONNECTOR (4)
- pin headersPIN HEADERS (0)
- rca RCA (51)
- s-vhs adapterS-VHS ADAPTER (10)
- sma adapterSMA ADAPTER (11)
- spiral cableSPIRAL CABLE (1)
- terminalTERMINAL (21)
- uhf adapterUHF ADAPTER (16)
- car equipment & accessories CAR EQUIPMENT & ACCESSORIES
- car equipment & accessoriesCAR EQUIPMENT & ACCESSORIES (196)
- car radio CAR RADIO (25)
- cnc machines & kit CNC MACHINES & KIT
- cable for servo motor CABLE FOR SERVO MOTOR (5)
- cnc servo driveCNC SERVO DRIVE (1)
- cnc servo motorCNC SERVO MOTOR (1)
- stepper motor & drivers STEPPER MOTOR & DRIVERS (3)
- consumables for plasma CONSUMABLES FOR PLASMA
- hypertherm HYPERTHERM
- arcwriter plasma marking systemARCWRITER plasma marking system (5)
- consumables for powermax 1650CONSUMABLES FOR POWERMAX 1650 (17)
- consumables for powermax 30 air/air t30CONSUMABLES FOR POWERMAX 30 AIR/AIR T30 (5)
- consumables for powermax30CONSUMABLES FOR POWERMAX30 (6)
- consumables powermax 45xpCONSUMABLES POWERMAX 45XP (13)
- consumables powermax 65CONSUMABLES POWERMAX 65 (14)
- hpr130 / hpr260HPR130 / HPR260 (41)
- hsd 130HSD 130 (5)
- max 70/80/100MAX 70/80/100 (1)
- max200/ht2000MAX200/HT2000 (14)
- maxpro 200MAXPRO 200 (7)
- powermax 1000POWERMAX 1000 (0)
- powermax 105POWERMAX 105 (6)
- powermax 125POWERMAX 125 (5)
- powermax 1250POWERMAX 1250 (0)
- powermax 85POWERMAX 85 (16)
- powermax600/800/900 POWERMAX600/800/900 (5)
- kaliburn KALIBURN
- finelineFINELINE (44)
- fl-100FL-100 (25)
- proline & spiritPROLINE & SPIRIT (60)
- sr-100iSR-100i (7)
- sr-45iSR-45i (7)
- tecnomec TECNOMEC
- tecnomec 105-125aTECNOMEC 105-125A (10)
- consumables for unit plasma 80aCONSUMABLES FOR UNIT PLASMA 80A (7)
- hypertherm HYPERTHERM
- cycling-motorbike accessories CYCLING-MOTORBIKE ACCESSORIES
- cycling accessoriesCYCLING ACCESSORIES (2)
- motorbike accessoriesMOTORBIKE ACCESSORIES (27)
- digital panel meter DIGITAL PANEL METER
- amperemeter-voltmeter-vu meterAMPEREMETER-VOLTMETER-VU METER (12)
- electrically ELECTRICALLY
- light sources LIGHT SOURCES
- lamba iodinisLAMBA IODINIS (24)
- lamp 12vLAMP 12V (2)
- lamp 6vLAMP 6V (1)
- lamp hqi LAMP HQI (1)
- led bulbsLED BULBS (38)
- led tapesLED TAPES (7)
- light nightLIGHT NIGHT (6)
- light with detectionLIGHT WITH DETECTION (2)
- oven lightsOVEN LIGHTS (1)
- photorythmicPHOTORYTHMIC (11)
- power-saving light bulbpower-saving light bulb (5)
- projectorPROJECTOR (20)
- refrigerator bulbsREFRIGERATOR BULBS (3)
- bellBELL (9)
- chargerCHARGER (5)
- extension cord & multisocketEXTENSION CORD & MULTISOCKET (17)
- kit garage doorKIT GARAGE DOOR (1)
- klemaKLEMA (6)
- lightingLIGHTING (6)
- power adapterPOWER ADAPTER (29)
- powerfulPOWERFUL (41)
- socketSOCKET (2)
- light sources LIGHT SOURCES
- electronic kit & robotics parts ELECTRONIC KIT & ROBOTICS PARTS
- robotics ROBOTICS
- moterMOTER (9)
- electronic kit & robotics partsELECTRONIC KIT & ROBOTICS PARTS (178)
- electronics board ELECTRONICS BOARD (3)
- robotics ROBOTICS
- enclosures ENCLOSURES
- enclosureENCLOSURE (18)
- fans, cooling and heating systems FANS, COOLING AND HEATING SYSTEMS
- device coolingDEVICE COOLING (11)
- guardsGUARDS (5)
- fuses & fuse holder FUSES & FUSE HOLDER
- ceramic safetyCERAMIC SAFETY (8)
- fuse holderFUSE HOLDER (7)
- insuranceinsurance (3)
- safetySAFETY (13)
- safety thermicSAFETY THERMIC (9)
- secretary safetySECRETARY SAFETY (14)
- headphones HEADPHONES
- wired headphonesWIRED HEADPHONES (15)
- wireless headphonesWIRELESS HEADPHONES (5)
- household equipment HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT
- watch WATCH
- smart watchSMART WATCH (1)
- thermometer-clock THERMOMETER-CLOCK (43)
- household equipmentHOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT (28)
- watch WATCH
- hunt HUNT
- gps dogGPS DOG (3)
- landline and mobile telephone LANDLINE AND MOBILE TELEPHONE
- mobile/smartphone accessories MOBILE/SMARTPHONE ACCESSORIES
- bases tablet and smartphonesBASES TABLET AND SMARTPHONES (8)
- power bank POWER BANK (2)
- usb cable USB CABLE (27)
- usb chargersUSB CHARGERS (6)
- landline telephoneLANDLINE TELEPHONE (15)
- mobile telephoneMOBILE TELEPHONE (3)
- mobile/smartphone accessories MOBILE/SMARTPHONE ACCESSORIES
- mechanicalMechanical (0)
- networks NETWORKS
- networksNETWORKS (24)
- optoelectronics OPTOELECTRONICS
- ledLED (17)
- led basesLED BASES (1)
- optoOPTO (39)
- tsopTSOP (0)
- passives PASSIVES
- ceramic capacitor CERAMIC CAPACITOR (15)
- electric capacitor ELECTRIC CAPACITOR (115)
- ac motor capacitorsAC MOTOR CAPACITORS (4)
- capacitor mkpCAPACITOR MKP (19)
- crystalCRYSTAL (59)
- ferrites for cableFERRITES FOR CABLE (4)
- potentiometerPOTENTIOMETER (31)
- potentiometer multiturnPOTENTIOMETER MULTITURN (0)
- pyrnotis horizon horizontPYRNOTIS HORIZON HORIZONT (7)
- resistanceRESISTANCE (323)
- resistance of touchRESISTANCE OF TOUCH (179)
- suppression filters tht SUPPRESSION FILTERS THT (3)
- thermistor ntcTHERMISTOR NTC (2)
- trimmerTRIMMER (1)
- κνοβΚΝΟΒ (10)
- personal care PERSONAL CARE
- personal care appliancesPERSONAL CARE APPLIANCES (23)
- plasma cutting units PLASMA CUTTING UNITS
- units plasma tecnomec UNITS PLASMA TECNOMEC
- units plasma with manual torch UNITS PLASMA WITH MANUAL TORCH (0)
- units plasma with mechanized torchUNITS PLASMA WITH MECHANIZED TORCH (2)
- plasma units hyperthermPLASMA UNITS HYPERTHERM (0)
- units plasma tecnomec UNITS PLASMA TECNOMEC
- power sources POWER SOURCES
- batteryBATTERY (20)
- battery buttonBATTERY BUTTON (42)
- battery caseBATTERY CASE (9)
- battery chargerBATTERY CHARGER (18)
- battery of leadBATTERY OF LEAD (6)
- battery of telephoneBATTERY OF TELEPHONE (0)
- battery rechargeableBATTERY RECHARGEABLE (8)
- battery testerBATTERY TESTER (5)
- hearing aid batteries HEARING AID BATTERIES (4)
- solar systemsSOLAR SYSTEMS (24)
- relays and contactors Relays and Contactors
- base raga relayBASE RAGA RELAY (2)
- relayRELAY (39)
- solid state relaySOLID STATE RELAY (2)
- scales SCALES
- electronic bathroom scale Electronic Bathroom Scale (1)
- industrial scalesINDUSTRIAL SCALES (12)
- kitchen scale KITCHEN SCALE (4)
- seasonal SEASONAL
- christmasCHRISTMAS (4)
- decorationsDECORATIONS (7)
- moter souvlasMOTER SOUVLAS (1)
- raincoatRAINCOAT (3)
- security SECURITY
- 220v moving danger220V MOVING DANGER (2)
- alarm acessories ALARM ACESSORIES (40)
- alarm centerALARM CENTER (3)
- alarm keyboardALARM KEYBOARD (0)
- alarm of doorALARM OF DOOR (1)
- alarm with radarALARM WITH RADAR (1)
- alarmsALARMS (2)
- beam alarmBEAM ALARM (6)
- cameraCAMERA (25)
- camera baseCAMERA BASE (2)
- camera lenscamera lens (6)
- camera unknownCAMERA UNKNOWN (3)
- crystal alarmCRYSTAL ALARM (3)
- dummy cameraDUMMY CAMERA (0)
- dvr & set dvr with cameraDVR & SET DVR WITH CAMERA (17)
- electronics telephone souner ELECTRONICS TELEPHONE SOUNER (1)
- gas detectorGAS DETECTOR (4)
- hard drive HARD DRIVE (15)
- infared illuminator INFARED ILLUMINATOR (1)
- interconnectionINTERCONNECTION (5)
- ip camera IP CAMERA (10)
- magnetic playerMAGNETIC PLAYER (0)
- motion detectormotion detector (2)
- play with serenePLAY WITH SERENE (0)
- radar alarmRADAR ALARM (2)
- roof detector ROOF DETECTOR (1)
- sensofire (break glass call-point)SENSOFIRE (BREAK GLASS CALL-POINT) (1)
- sirenSIREN (13)
- smoke detectorsmoke detector (3)
- strobeSTROBE (2)
- table lightingTABLE LIGHTING (20)
- temperature alarmTEMPERATURE ALARM (1)
- thyrotileorsisTHYROTILEORSIS (1)
- water alarmWATER ALARM (2)
- water station alarmWATER STATION ALARM (1)
- wireless alarm securityWIRELESS ALARM SECURITY (5)
- wireless cameraWIRELESS CAMERA (5)
- μαγνητικη επαφηΜΑΓΝΗΤΙΚΗ ΕΠΑΦΗ (4)
- semiconductors SEMICONDUCTORS
- bases icBASES IC (3)
- bridgeBRIDGE (10)
- coolerCOOLER (6)
- diodesDIODES (44)
- icIC (1680)
- transistorTRANSISTOR (1029)
- tunerTUNER (0)
- sound sources SOUND SOURCES
- magnetic head cassete deck MAGNETIC HEAD CASSETE DECK (34)
- antiparastic soundANTIPARASTIC SOUND (1)
- bass reflexBASS REFLEX (6)
- buzzer BUZZER (3)
- capsaCAPSA (4)
- crossoverCROSSOVER (7)
- diaphragm audioDIAPHRAGM AUDIO (7)
- driver titaniumDRIVER TITANIUM (1)
- equalizerEqualizer (1)
- head videoHEAD VIDEO (15)
- hornHORN (0)
- loudspeakerLOUDSPEAKER (1)
- loudspeaker miniature Loudspeaker miniature (6)
- metallic hoofMETALLIC HOOF (2)
- microphoneMICROPHONE (26)
- microphone baseMICROPHONE BASE (6)
- mixedMIXED (3)
- needle pickNEEDLE PICK (12)
- plastic anglesPLASTIC ANGLES (2)
- quitar amplifierQUITAR AMPLIFIER (1)
- radioRADIO (10)
- sound amplifierSOUND AMPLIFIER (8)
- sound baseSOUND BASE (1)
- speakerSPEAKER (9)
- transceiverTRANSCEIVER (6)
- tweeterTWEETER (7)
- universal beltsUNIVERSAL BELTS (70)
- wireless radioWIRELESS RADIO (1)
- wireless speaker WIRELESS SPEAKER (16)
- switches & indicators SWITCHES & INDICATORS
- dip switchDIP SWITCH (3)
- key lockKEY LOCK (3)
- switches-buttonSWITCHES-BUTTON (32)
- ενδεικτικα ΕΝΔΕΙΚΤΙΚΑ (13)
- terrestial and satellite receiver TERRESTIAL AND SATELLITE RECEIVER
- interviewerINTERVIEWER (8)
- mounting antenna accessoriesMOUNTING ANTENNA ACCESSORIES (6)
- satelliteSATELLITE (15)
- telekontrolTELEKONTROL (106)
- terrestial TERRESTIAL (38)
- wireless WIRELESS (3)
- tools/workplace equipment TOOLS/WORKPLACE EQUIPMENT
- (76)
- arc type padlock ARC TYPE PADLOCK (6)
- calculatorCALCULATOR (15)
- ingco toolsINGCO TOOLS (528)
- instrument tableINSTRUMENT TABLE (3)
- measurement & detection instrumentsMEASUREMENT & DETECTION INSTRUMENTS (76)
- spraySPRAY (5)
- support materialsSUPPORT MATERIALS (12)
- toolsTOOLS (226)
- torches TORCHES
- torch lightTORCH LIGHT (1)
- torches- lightTORCHES- LIGHT (49)
- transformers and ferrite cores TRANSFORMERS AND FERRITE CORES
- converterCONVERTER (27)
- high voltage transformerHIGH VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER (109)
- inverters for fluorescent tubesINVERTERS FOR FLUORESCENT TUBES (1)
- transformerTRANSFORMER (57)
- ups UPS
- ups UPS (2)
- welding mig/mag WELDING MIG/MAG
- migatronic MIGATRONIC (8)
- wires and cables Wires and Cables
- belts video setBELTS VIDEO SET (32)
- cableCABLE (7)
- cable of helmetsCABLE OF HELMETS (1)
- cable seriesCABLE SERIES (7)
- cctv cableCCTV CABLE (3)
- dvi cableDVI CABLE (1)
- ethernet cableETHERNET CABLE (12)
- power cable cbPOWER CABLE CB (1)
- sound cableSOUND CABLE (6)
- usb adaptersUSB ADAPTERS (10)
- ηοββυ- sport ΗΟΒΒΥ- SPORT
- hoverboardHOVERBOARD (0)
- υπολογιστεσ & tablet ΥΠΟΛΟΓΙΣΤΕΣ & TABLET
- computer accessories COMPUTER ACCESSORIES
- accessories computer ACCESSORIES COMPUTER (78)
- cleanersCLEANERS (7)
- sd/micro sd cardSD/micro SD CARD (6)
- usb stickUSB STICK (7)
- desktop pcs refurbish DESKTOP PCS REFURBISH (2)
- monitor refurbish MONITOR REFURBISH (3)
- computer accessories COMPUTER ACCESSORIES
XY-CD60L 6V-60V LCD Lithium Battery Charge Controller - Battery Protection Board
XY-CD60L is a battery charge and discharge controller module. It can be used for DC 6V~60V any one lithium/lead-acid battery.
Multi-function test instrument
Dual mode work
Support charging protection
Support discharge protection
Support set the charging/discharging time
Automatic detection parameters
HD LCD display
Multi-parameter display
Support power saving mode
Supports automatic battery detection
1>.Product name: XY-CD60L Lithium Battery Charging/Discharging Controller
2>.Model: XY-CD60L
3>.Work voltage:DC 6V-60V
4>.Work Temperature:-40℃~85℃
5>.Work Humidity:0%~95%RH
1>.Module supports 2 working modes: Charging Control IN and Discharging Control OUT.
2>.Charging Control IN: This mode is used for charging control to prevent overcharging.Display symbol IN indicates charging mode.
3>.Discharging Control OUT: This mode is used for battery discharge control to prevent battery over-discharge and delay battery life.Display symbol OUT indicates discharging mode.
4>.Battery voltage percentage: It is value get from battery voltage V, Lower Limit Voltage Value dn and Upper Limit Voltage Value UP. Calculation formula: V/(UP-dn).
5>.Automatic parameter check: Screen will display and flashing ERR if the Lower Limit Voltage Value dn is more than the Upper Limit Voltage Value UP.
5.Charging Control IN Mode:
1>.Input terminal connect DC 6V-60V charger which use for battery.
2>.Output terminal connect 1pcs DC 6V-60V battery. It will display 0.00V and nbE if the battery does not meet the requirements.
3>.Output turn ON and the input charger starts charging the battery if battery voltage is less than the Lower Limit Voltage Value dn.
4>.Output turn OFF and the input charger stops charging the battery if battery voltage is more than the Upper Limit Voltage Value UP.
5>.The symbol IN will flashing when charging.
6>.Support set parameters:
6.1>.Upper Limit Voltage Value UP: Maximum voltage of the battery. Stop charging the battery if it exceeds this value. It is also the overcharge protection voltage value.
6.2>.Lower Limit Voltage Value dn: Battery allowed minimum voltage. Start charging the battery when the battery voltage is lower than this value.
6.3>.Charging Time OP:
6.3.1>.Set battery charging time.
6.3.2>.Turn ON charging time control function when the OP parameter value is more then 00:00. Minimum set time value 1minute.
6.3.3>.Turn OFF OP control if set 00:00.
6.3.4>.Start the timer when turn on output to start charging.
6.3.5>.Module turn OFF output to complete a charging process when timing is completed.
6.3.6>.Module automatically turns OFF charging time control function if battery voltage is less than the Lower Limit Voltage Value dn and flashing H:ER that means the unreasonable time parameter setting. It means insufficient charging and needs to continue charging the battery. Press any key to stop flashing.
6.3.7>.Record and display charging time if disabled Charging Time OP when short press button SET. Clear time if at next charging or exit charging time display interface.
6.4>.Turn ON Delay Time dOP: Set the delay interval between the first and the second charging. The time range is 0~999second.
6.Discharging Control OUT Mode:
1>.Input terminal connect 1pcs DC 6V-60V battery.
2>.Output terminal connect suitable load. Note the output voltage is same to battery.
3>.Output turn ON and the battery starts to discharging if battery voltage is more than the Upper Limit Voltage Value UP.
4>.Output turn OFF and the battery stops to discharging if battery voltage is less then the Lower Limit Voltage Value dn.
5>.The symbol OUT will flashing when discharging.
6>.Support set parameters:
6.1>.Upper Limit Voltage Value UP: Threshold value to allow battery discharge.
6.2>.Lower Limit Voltage Value dn: Battery allowed minimum voltage. Stop discharging when the battery voltage is lower than this value. It is also the over-discharge protection voltage value.
6.3>.Discharging Time OP:
6.3.1>.Set battery discharging time.
6.3.2>.Turn ON discharging time control function when the OP parameter value is more then 00:00. Minimum set time value 1minute.
6.3.3>.Turn OFF OP control if set 00:00.
6.3.4>.Start the timer when turn on output to start discharging.
6.3.5>.Module turn OFF output to complete a discharging process when timing is completed.
6.3.6>.Module automatically turns OFF discharging time control function if battery voltage is more than the Upper Limit Voltage Value UP and flashing H:ER that means the unreasonable time parameter setting. Press any key to stop flashing.
6.3.7>.Record and display discharging time if disabled Discharging Time OP when short press button SET. Clear time if at next discharging or exit discharging time display interface.
6.4>.Turn ON Delay Time dOP: Set the delay interval between the first and the second discharging. The time range is 0~999second.
6.5>.Discharge Turn ON Forced Start Time FOP:
6.5.1>.This function is used to prevent the device from starting instantly and reduce the battery voltage, so that it is lower than the Lower Limit Voltage Value dn and causing the module to automatically turn off the output and causing the battery can not discharge properly.
6.5.2>.The module will check the battery voltage again if enabled Discharge Turn ON Forced Start Time function.
7.Button Description:
1>.Long press means need keep press for more than 5second.
2>.UP button:
2.1>.Short press to switch display charging/discharging time and battery voltage percentage.
2.2>.Long press to switch work mode. IN is Charging mode and OUT is Discharging mode.
2.3>.Short/Long press to increase parameter value at parameter set mode.
3>.DOWN button:
3.1>.Short press to turn ON/OFF output.
3.2>.Long press to turn ON/OFF display status L-P (power saving mode):
3.2.1>.ON: Turn ON power saving mode. The display screen will turn OFF after 5~10minutes.Press any button to resume display.
3.2.2>.OFF: Turn OFF power saving mode. The display screen will keep ON all the time.
3.3>.Short/Long press to decrease parameter value at parameter set mode.
4>.SET button:
4.1>.Short press to automatically switch/query display parameters UP/dn/OP/DOP at charging mode and UP/dn/OP/DOP/FOP at discharging mode in normal display interface. Short press to switch select parameter set in parameter set mode.
4.2>.Long press to enter into parameter set mode.
4.3>.Keep press about 5second to save parameter values.
8.Use steps:
1>.Connect right input voltage at VIN+ and VIN-.
2>.Long press button SET to select work mode.
3>.Short press button SET to switch parameters.
4>.Short/Long press UP/DOWN to increase/decrease parameter value.
5>.Keep press about 5second to save parameter values.
6>.Remove input and connect load.
7>.Connect right input voltage at VIN+ and VIN- again.
1>.Load tester
2>.Circuit tester
3>.Battery discharge tester
4>.Factory equipment inspection
5>.Ordinary load tester
6>.Power supply aging tester
7>.Auxiliary measurement charger Output current capability
8>.Charger Factory Batch Aging test use
1>.Load terminal can not short circuit.
2>.It is a charging/discharging controller but not a charger!
3>.It can not be used as a charger!
4>.Please read use manual and description before use.
11.Frequency asked questions:
1>.What is the control voltage range? What is the applicable battery range?
Q: Control voltage range is DC 6V-60V. But battery voltage max is 48V. Because the voltage of 48V battery is 60V after fully charged.
2>.Why relay is automatically turned on and off continuously after power on and flashing light?
Q: This is because your charging current is too large or the battery capacity is too small that cause the battery voltage to immediately exceed the Lower limit voltage ‘dn’ value and then relay will OFF.But the voltage drops quickly to the Lower limit voltage ‘dn’ after Relay OFF and then start to charging.Cycle and cycle.
At this point you have to reduce the charging current.Usually the charging current is 10-15% of the battery capacity.For example, if the battery capacity is 20AH, the charging current is 2-3A.
Note that high current charging can cause the battery to heat up, aging, bulging or even exploding.
3>.What control method?
Q: This is the voltage control.For example:Lower limit voltage ‘dn’ is set to 12.0V.Upper limit voltage ‘UP’ is set to 14.5V.It will close output when the voltage is charged to 14.5V.Relay will ON and begins to charge when the voltage is reduced to 12.0V.
4>.Can it be automatically cycled?
Q: Yes,it can.Voltage control mode only controls turn-off and turn-on.
5>.Can it limit the current?
Q: It can't limit current, the charging current is completely dependent on your charger.
6>.Can I charge a 24V battery by inputting 12V?Or charge a 12V battery by inputting 48V?
Q: This is a simple voltage controller just for ON/OFF.It can not change output voltage.So what kind of charger should you prepare for charging the battery!
1pcs XY-CD60L Lithium Battery Charging/Discharging Controller
XY-CD60L is a battery charge and discharge controller module. It can be used for DC 6V~60V any one lithium/lead-acid battery.
Multi-function test instrument
Dual mode work
Support charging protection
Support discharge protection
Support set the charging/discharging time
Automatic detection parameters
HD LCD display
Multi-parameter display
Support power saving mode
Supports automatic battery detection
1>.Product name: XY-CD60L Lithium Battery Charging/Discharging Controller
2>.Model: XY-CD60L
3>.Work voltage:DC 6V-60V
4>.Work Temperature:-40℃~85℃
5>.Work Humidity:0%~95%RH
1>.Module supports 2 working modes: Charging Control IN and Discharging Control OUT.
2>.Charging Control IN: This mode is used for charging control to prevent overcharging.Display symbol IN indicates charging mode.
3>.Discharging Control OUT: This mode is used for battery discharge control to prevent battery over-discharge and delay battery life.Display symbol OUT indicates discharging mode.
4>.Battery voltage percentage: It is value get from battery voltage V, Lower Limit Voltage Value dn and Upper Limit Voltage Value UP. Calculation formula: V/(UP-dn).
5>.Automatic parameter check: Screen will display and flashing ERR if the Lower Limit Voltage Value dn is more than the Upper Limit Voltage Value UP.
5.Charging Control IN Mode:
1>.Input terminal connect DC 6V-60V charger which use for battery.
2>.Output terminal connect 1pcs DC 6V-60V battery. It will display 0.00V and nbE if the battery does not meet the requirements.
3>.Output turn ON and the input charger starts charging the battery if battery voltage is less than the Lower Limit Voltage Value dn.
4>.Output turn OFF and the input charger stops charging the battery if battery voltage is more than the Upper Limit Voltage Value UP.
5>.The symbol IN will flashing when charging.
6>.Support set parameters:
6.1>.Upper Limit Voltage Value UP: Maximum voltage of the battery. Stop charging the battery if it exceeds this value. It is also the overcharge protection voltage value.
6.2>.Lower Limit Voltage Value dn: Battery allowed minimum voltage. Start charging the battery when the battery voltage is lower than this value.
6.3>.Charging Time OP:
6.3.1>.Set battery charging time.
6.3.2>.Turn ON charging time control function when the OP parameter value is more then 00:00. Minimum set time value 1minute.
6.3.3>.Turn OFF OP control if set 00:00.
6.3.4>.Start the timer when turn on output to start charging.
6.3.5>.Module turn OFF output to complete a charging process when timing is completed.
6.3.6>.Module automatically turns OFF charging time control function if battery voltage is less than the Lower Limit Voltage Value dn and flashing H:ER that means the unreasonable time parameter setting. It means insufficient charging and needs to continue charging the battery. Press any key to stop flashing.
6.3.7>.Record and display charging time if disabled Charging Time OP when short press button SET. Clear time if at next charging or exit charging time display interface.
6.4>.Turn ON Delay Time dOP: Set the delay interval between the first and the second charging. The time range is 0~999second.
6.Discharging Control OUT Mode:
1>.Input terminal connect 1pcs DC 6V-60V battery.
2>.Output terminal connect suitable load. Note the output voltage is same to battery.
3>.Output turn ON and the battery starts to discharging if battery voltage is more than the Upper Limit Voltage Value UP.
4>.Output turn OFF and the battery stops to discharging if battery voltage is less then the Lower Limit Voltage Value dn.
5>.The symbol OUT will flashing when discharging.
6>.Support set parameters:
6.1>.Upper Limit Voltage Value UP: Threshold value to allow battery discharge.
6.2>.Lower Limit Voltage Value dn: Battery allowed minimum voltage. Stop discharging when the battery voltage is lower than this value. It is also the over-discharge protection voltage value.
6.3>.Discharging Time OP:
6.3.1>.Set battery discharging time.
6.3.2>.Turn ON discharging time control function when the OP parameter value is more then 00:00. Minimum set time value 1minute.
6.3.3>.Turn OFF OP control if set 00:00.
6.3.4>.Start the timer when turn on output to start discharging.
6.3.5>.Module turn OFF output to complete a discharging process when timing is completed.
6.3.6>.Module automatically turns OFF discharging time control function if battery voltage is more than the Upper Limit Voltage Value UP and flashing H:ER that means the unreasonable time parameter setting. Press any key to stop flashing.
6.3.7>.Record and display discharging time if disabled Discharging Time OP when short press button SET. Clear time if at next discharging or exit discharging time display interface.
6.4>.Turn ON Delay Time dOP: Set the delay interval between the first and the second discharging. The time range is 0~999second.
6.5>.Discharge Turn ON Forced Start Time FOP:
6.5.1>.This function is used to prevent the device from starting instantly and reduce the battery voltage, so that it is lower than the Lower Limit Voltage Value dn and causing the module to automatically turn off the output and causing the battery can not discharge properly.
6.5.2>.The module will check the battery voltage again if enabled Discharge Turn ON Forced Start Time function.
7.Button Description:
1>.Long press means need keep press for more than 5second.
2>.UP button:
2.1>.Short press to switch display charging/discharging time and battery voltage percentage.
2.2>.Long press to switch work mode. IN is Charging mode and OUT is Discharging mode.
2.3>.Short/Long press to increase parameter value at parameter set mode.
3>.DOWN button:
3.1>.Short press to turn ON/OFF output.
3.2>.Long press to turn ON/OFF display status L-P (power saving mode):
3.2.1>.ON: Turn ON power saving mode. The display screen will turn OFF after 5~10minutes.Press any button to resume display.
3.2.2>.OFF: Turn OFF power saving mode. The display screen will keep ON all the time.
3.3>.Short/Long press to decrease parameter value at parameter set mode.
4>.SET button:
4.1>.Short press to automatically switch/query display parameters UP/dn/OP/DOP at charging mode and UP/dn/OP/DOP/FOP at discharging mode in normal display interface. Short press to switch select parameter set in parameter set mode.
4.2>.Long press to enter into parameter set mode.
4.3>.Keep press about 5second to save parameter values.
8.Use steps:
1>.Connect right input voltage at VIN+ and VIN-.
2>.Long press button SET to select work mode.
3>.Short press button SET to switch parameters.
4>.Short/Long press UP/DOWN to increase/decrease parameter value.
5>.Keep press about 5second to save parameter values.
6>.Remove input and connect load.
7>.Connect right input voltage at VIN+ and VIN- again.
1>.Load tester
2>.Circuit tester
3>.Battery discharge tester
4>.Factory equipment inspection
5>.Ordinary load tester
6>.Power supply aging tester
7>.Auxiliary measurement charger Output current capability
8>.Charger Factory Batch Aging test use
1>.Load terminal can not short circuit.
2>.It is a charging/discharging controller but not a charger!
3>.It can not be used as a charger!
4>.Please read use manual and description before use.
11.Frequency asked questions:
1>.What is the control voltage range? What is the applicable battery range?
Q: Control voltage range is DC 6V-60V. But battery voltage max is 48V. Because the voltage of 48V battery is 60V after fully charged.
2>.Why relay is automatically turned on and off continuously after power on and flashing light?
Q: This is because your charging current is too large or the battery capacity is too small that cause the battery voltage to immediately exceed the Lower limit voltage ‘dn’ value and then relay will OFF.But the voltage drops quickly to the Lower limit voltage ‘dn’ after Relay OFF and then start to charging.Cycle and cycle.
At this point you have to reduce the charging current.Usually the charging current is 10-15% of the battery capacity.For example, if the battery capacity is 20AH, the charging current is 2-3A.
Note that high current charging can cause the battery to heat up, aging, bulging or even exploding.
3>.What control method?
Q: This is the voltage control.For example:Lower limit voltage ‘dn’ is set to 12.0V.Upper limit voltage ‘UP’ is set to 14.5V.It will close output when the voltage is charged to 14.5V.Relay will ON and begins to charge when the voltage is reduced to 12.0V.
4>.Can it be automatically cycled?
Q: Yes,it can.Voltage control mode only controls turn-off and turn-on.
5>.Can it limit the current?
Q: It can't limit current, the charging current is completely dependent on your charger.
6>.Can I charge a 24V battery by inputting 12V?Or charge a 12V battery by inputting 48V?
Q: This is a simple voltage controller just for ON/OFF.It can not change output voltage.So what kind of charger should you prepare for charging the battery!
1pcs XY-CD60L Lithium Battery Charging/Discharging Controller
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